selektor 1977-12
A single-bit microprocessor which executes Boolean logic operations and which can be used as an inexpensive sequence timer and controller with major reductions in system cost ompared with conventional word structured microprocessors, has been developed by General Instrument Microelectronics. The new Sequential Boolean Analyser (SBA) incorporates in a single 40-pin DIL package a logic unit, an associated 16-level stack to facilitate the execution of multi-term functions, a 1,023 x 8-bit word ROM programme memory and a 120-bit RAM memory which is used to store as many logic states. Thirty of the SBA`s 40-pins are available as latched input/outputs and can be mask programmed exclusively for either function. If the interface requireme~t is greater than this, inputs and outputs can be multiplexed together on common pins.
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