The Rotek 610 offers the h!ghest accuracy available in a multi-function calibrator. Based on the 600 Wide Band Cali bra tor the 610 shares the same full scale ranges: 10 mV ... 1000 V AC and DC voltage, 10 µ,A . .. 1 A AC ~nd DC current with AC operation to 50 kHz and resistance from 1 .!1 to 10 Mn. The model 650 High Current Adaptor extends current output to 10 A DC and 50 A AC. The 61 O has a specified accuracy of 30 ppm (0.002% setting + 0.001 % of range) up to 500 V DC and 0.03% (0.025% setting+ 0.005% range) on AC voltage up to 1000 V over the range
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