Frequency conversion can be carried out very easily with the aid of this IC. For instance, when using American clock ICs there may be a requirement to convert a signal with a frequency of 50 Hz into a signal with a fre- quency of 60 Hz. The formula for fo N + 1 • fin determining the output frequency of where 3 frequency conversion using the XR 2240 the XR 2240 is: f0 = frl = the output frequency the ratio of the input fre- quency to the time base frequency. This ratio is deter- mined by the position of the potentiometer and is a whole number between 1 and 10. R Ub P1 R2 R1 EMI • fin 50Hz N = a whole number between 1 and 255 which may be selec- ted by connecting one or more of pins 1 ... 8. fin = the input frequency When m = 6 and N = 4 the output frequency will be 60 Hz for an input frequency of 50 Hz. Similarly, when m = 5 and N = 5 the output fre- quency will be 50 Hz for an input frequency of 60 Hz. The XR 2240 contains a control flip-flop FF, a time base generator TB and...
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