There have been many power supply circuits featuring integrated voltage regulators published in Elektor (and other magazines) in the past. The 78xx series of voltage regulators immediately spring to mind. Why the need for another one? The IC described here is capable of de- livering a full 2 amp output whereas older ones were only capable of supplying about 1 to 11/2 amps; furthermore, although some had a current limit facility it was not variable. This, along with the fact that the L 200 has never before found its way into the pages of Elektor, has prompted us to describe it here. Manufactured by SGS-ATES, the L 200 is a 5-pin device and can provide a regulated supply of between 3 and 25 volts at a maximum current of 2 A with correct heatsinking. The IC also has built-in thermal protection which makes it virtually indestructible. In the circuit shown, the two poten- tiometers P1 and P2 control the P2 10k C2 Tant 2 amp voltage regulator current limit and output voltage respectivel...
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