1 +9V Li 4004H 5 560n The 12 aerial described in the June edition of Elektor consists of two parts. One of these is a coil which must have a low impedance and which ensures high quality reception in spite of its small size — provided a good amplifier is used. This of course constitutes the second half of the E2 aerial. There is no doubt about its being an excellent amplifier. The Signal-to-noise-ratio is very good and it won"t be easy to find another amplifier in the 20 MHz to 30 MHz frequency range with similar charac- teristics. Cl 474 16V R2 R3 Ton R6 1 alternative amplifier for then aerial a 0 In MN 19 •0000 4";,0 4 T2 13 30,11A . There is however, one disadvantage to the original circuit which was designed around the BFT66. The input impedance is not really low enough. As it is around 50 E2 it causes sensitivity to drop by 6 dB per octave at lower frequencies. Further- more, ferrite beads are used which are not always easy to get hold of. All the more reason for discuss...
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