23 More and more information is being generated by digital means, because of the good frequency and ampli- tude stability obtained. This particu- lar circuit generates a sinewave, but if R1 ... R8 were to assume other values, different waveforms would also be possible. After the supply voltage has been applied, the R9/C1 network ensures a short reset pulse: all outputs become logic zero. Since output 8 is also "0", the inverted level ("1") is offered at input D. With the aid of an external oscillator (not drawn) pulses are fed to the clock inputs. At every positive slope the information in the shift register IC1 moves one place further along. Thus, after the first clock pulse Q1 will be "1" and after the eighth Q8 will also be "1". As soon as Q8 becomes logic 1 however, the information at input D will digital sinewave generator change to logic 0. Then zero"s will be entered until 08 also changes to "0". The entire operation is then repeated. By choosing suitable values for R1 ... ...
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