39 This device makes a special form of biofeedback possible in a very simple way. It is based on the principle that the more the body is relaxed the higher the skin resistance. With the aid of two "electrodes" in the form of metal rings around two fingers, the skin resistance is used to control the frequency of an oscillator. This is constructed around a unijunction transistor (Ta). The tone produced can be heard through a pair of headphones and will become lower the more one relaxes and the resistance between the electrodes increases. As a reference, an identical oscillator is constructed around T2, the frequency of which can be set to produce a tone, corresponding to an optimally relaxed state. skin resistance biofeedback 61 C1 If (high impedance) stereo head- phones are used the output of the reference oscillator is connected to one earpiece and the skin resistance sensitive oscillator is connected to the other, the idea being to match 600 2000 cl 80575 the frequency of both to...
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