68 It has nothing to do with the mail, but it is small enough to go through it. This circuit is a versatile, miniature amplifier and loudspeaker combi- nation that can be used in the tightest of electronic corners. The Super Tiny AMPlifier uses only one IC, a loud- speaker and eight other components. It measures two square inches and has an output of 200 mW or more. As if this is not versatile enough, the gain can also be preset (or switched). Frequently, small projects require an external amplifier of equally small proportions. Finding a suitably sized circuit can present some difficulty. This problem can now be "STAMPed" out. Here is the circuit, Elektor can supply the printed circuit board — all the STAMP Super Tiny AMPlifier you have to do is "stick a STAMP on it"! The circuit is so simple that it hardly needs any explanation. It is based on the LM 386, IC1. This is produced in a variety of specifications and table 1 lists the major differences, output power and supply volta...
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