missile attack

7-66 elektor july/august 1980 1 4V5 U8 16 vcc 012f1ff D6 R I Start =I= ADUS N9 211 uBe D5 . . . D18 = LED = red Vcc 0 +401 019 D19 . . . D21 = LED = green () 8 0 IC1 IC2 IC3 UB 0 R5 Stop 6 05 01 •D23 4+ D22 . . . D24 = LED = yellow Although "apocalypse" doesn"t sound like very much fun, this game cer- tainly is. It is a game which combines speed, reaction, skill and fun all into one package. It is simple and in- expensive to construct and uses just five CMOS ICs which help to keep the power consumption down. This, together With an automatic LED shutdown, means that if the game is made portable the batteries should last for a relatively long period of time. The unit has two "touch plates" which control the game. When the "START" plate is touched the output of N1 will go high to trigger the monostable multivibrator formed around N2 and N9. The output of the MMV will then go high for about 5 ... 10 seconds (determined by the values of C1 and R2) thereby reset- ting the two counters...
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