7-80 elektor july/august 1980 87 The simplest receiver to posess both high sensitivity and selectivity is (still) the super-regenerative receiver. It can receive both AM and FM signals and would be a highly attract- ive type of receiver, were it not for its "stubborn" character. Many people associate this type of receiver with constructional problems and their tendency to scream and whistle! A good design, however, need suffer none of these disadvantages. As the circuit diagram shows, it will re- quire a few more components super-regenerative receiver 87-180 MHz than usual, but should repay the extra work. The result is a receiver with a number of excellent charac- teristics: both AM and FM reception, an 87-180 MHz range (in other words, an FM taxi and aviation band), a 0,4μV sensitivity for 10 dB signal/noise ratio (AM) and a bandwidth of approximately 100 kHz. If the circuit design illustrated in figure 2 is used, the construc- tional problems mentioned earlier will also be avo...
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