better piano

1 91 a better piano octave2 CI (,.-101-0)c-1-""""1::::: Quite a lot of magazine space has already been dedicated to the Elektor piano. By now, we have the impression that most constr, - tors are satisfied with the "sound". However, there is always room for improvement - and we recently found a new trick. Only a handful of components are needed - two or three pounds worth - and no drastic surgery, so there"s no harm in trying it! The basic idea is quite straightfor- ward - in fact, it was mentioned in the article "Extending the Elektor piano" (December "78, p. 12-51). The output from the master oscillator board is a symmetrical squarewave. This means that it contains the fundamental and all odd harmonics. However, a "real" piano produces even harmonics as well, which gives a different sound. In the article referred to above, this problem was solved by converting the squarewave 2 octave3 output into a "stepped sawtooth". However, there is another way of achieving the same result. Th...
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