Interference pulses in remote control receivers are a nuisance. Worse, when the control is for model planes they can be fatal . . . A quite effective interference rejection circuit can be built, using only two monostable mu ltiv ibrators. Figure 1 illustrates the basic principle, as a block diagram; figure 2 gives a complete circuit for one common commercial system. The circuit is included in the receiver, between the pulse shaper and the demultiplexer. In a normal system, interference at a level of only 10 . . . 30% of your own signal strength is enough to drive the servo"s completely haywire. The "interference susceptibility" of a given receiver depends, by and large, on its response speed. The faster it reacts, the more it tends to go wild. In general, the end of the "burst" V r-7 -"c175-61 000 000 JL 11 MMV2 95 1 RF DEMODULATOR deglitching remote control 2 PULSE SHAPER DEMULTI- PLEXER 80565 1 80565 2 from the transmitter is the most sensitive period. As illustrated in figure...
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