103 cheap source of energy Because of the ever diminishing world energy sources it is imperative that we investigate any form of alternative power. As we all know, resistors produce noise and noise is a form of energy. Why not harness this energy? In order to do this the noise voltage will have to be rectified and smoothed, as shown in the circuit diagram. The effective output voltage is determined by the equation U0 =,/4 •k•B•T•R where T is the absolute temperature (degrees Kelvin), B is the frequency bandwidth of the noise produced, and R is the resistance value. It will be apparent that the higher the resistance value and the greater the ambient temperature, the more volt- D cool). This is where temperature comes into effect. Since we are removing energy from the resistor, its temperature will tend to drop. Inventive readers may be able to use this phenomenon to cool the diode. It is important to choose the right type of resistor. Only old, preferably damaged resistors ...
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