analogue delay technology - CTDs and SAWs
2-34 — elektor february 1980 analogue delay technology Bucket brigade delay lines are not unknown to Elektor readers. We"ve used them in an analogue reverb unit and for a TV scope. At that, we"ve really only scratched the surface of what promises to be a new area in electronics: analogue delay line technology. New types of delay line are appearing at regular intervals, and new applications are even more commonplace. Not only reverb, phasing and similar "musical" applications: filtering, scrambling and real-time spectrum analysis are also possible. There are two main types of electronic components that can be used to delay. an analogue signal. Although their oper- ating principles are completely different, they can be used in very similar appli- cations. The first group are the so-called charge transfer devices; CTD for short. Bucket brigade delay lines belong in this category, as do charge coupled devices (CCDs). Both of these types of CTD can be used in virtually identical appl...
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