a piano that sounds like a piano - a minor change for a major improvement
"piano that sounds like a piano elektor march 1980 — 3-13 There"s no accounting for taste, so they say. The Elektor piano seems to be an exception: several readers have called us to account for the fact that it didn"t sound the way it should. Perhaps this was only to be expected: we were quite satisfied when it sounded like other electronic pianos — but most people want it to sound like the real thing. We have listened to our readers" com- ments; we have listened to the piano — modified it — and listened to it again. To be honest, we tried several modifi- cations and rejected most of them because they were either too extensive a piano that R4, R5, R10, R11, R16, R17, R22, R23, R28 and R29 are deleted. Modifying the boards is a fairly simple matter, especially since all changes are clearly shown in figures 3 and 4. First, the octave board (figure 3). P1 and R37 can be removed (or left in, if you like — it doesn"t make any differ- ence) and a wire link is added between the...
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