electronics in the car of the eighties
electronics in the car of the eighties elektor april 1980 — 4-03 Electronics in the engine Saving fuel is undoubtedly the most significant factor in today"s motoring and is almost certain to remain so in the foreseeable future. A flexible and "intelligent" control system will enable the engine to remain fully efficient while catering for the many and various motoring conditions which occur. One example of this is an electronic ignition control system of the type that is currently gaining more widespread use (mainly in the performance car market). After the initial developments such as the transistor ignition and fuel injection systems under mechanical or analogue- electronic control, an important step forward was recently taken by Bosch designers with their introduction of electronics in the ear of the eighties The recent progress in electronic technology has been extremely rapid but, however, the motor industry has been rather slow on the uptake. At a time when awareness of the...
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