Timbug II
6-20 — elektor june 1980 musical cube musical cube... Having a somewhat weird sense of humour, a certain member of the Elektor design team (who shall be nameless) has come up with this rather novel circuit. When friends come round for drinks and a chat it is no longer necessary to stare at each other in total silence while one of you thinks of something to say. With the musical cube sitting on the coffee table you have a ready-made conversation piece. "What"s that?" they say. "What"s what? you say. "That thing there!" they say. "That"s my pet musical cube" you say, "he sings!". Say no more, the evening is off to a flying start. You then go on to explain that you are the only person able to control its rather nasty temper. To prove it you talk quietly to the cube and it will "sing" its reply. You then pick the cube up and move it to a different place in total silence. The guest is then invited to move the cube back in a similar manner. The cube, of course, not being used to the n...
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