morse trainer elektor june 1980 — 6-35 For those who don"t know, Morse is a little like binary without the logic. Understandably, learning the Morse code is a long process. In practical use one has to know all the signals by heart, there is no time to even think about it when listening to an actual transmission. Learning them is therefore very much like reciting multiplication tables in school. This is the idea behind the morse trainer. morse trainer S7 IC1 = 4017 IC2 = N1 ... N4 = 4093 D1 ... D13 = DUS • see text 71n 0 14 DI I D2 D3 D13 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the morse trainer. R8 95 C3 cil * LS 80072 16 3 •1 2 Clock a "2"t / 3. 52 < ,4, 10 4017 "5" I Clock enable GND R 2— (9( .11 "Cl 0 2161eC)
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