electronic linear thermometer - a semiconductor used as a temperature sensor
9-12 — elektor september 1980 electronic linear thermometer electronic linear thermometer a semiconductor used as a temperature sensor temperatures of up to 1000° C thermo- couples are needed. These, however, demand a rather specialised technique (cold welding compensation, compen- sation of temperature influence as a result of current passing through, etc.) and are therefore not suitable for domestic use. Temperature sensors using semiconduc- tor diodes or transistors do not suffer from these drawbacks. They can be applied within a wide temperature range, are not complicated in structure and are as compact as the other sensors. The temperature sensitivity of the semiconductor sensor is based on the principle that the forward voltage will change with temperature when the forward current is maintained at a constant level. An example of this is shown in figure 1, when the forward voltage is a function of the temperature in the BAX 13 diode. It will be seen that it can exhibit PTC...
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