11-36 — elektor november 1980 know the ins and outs of your central heating Before fitting up your central heating system with all sorts of energy saving circuits, it might be a good idea to find out how such a system works. It happens quite often that a considerable amount of energy can be saved by conventional means. To start with, the heating system should satisfy particular needs and its individual parts should be well adjusted to each other. This may seem a platitude on the face of it, but in practice things have been found to turn out quite differently. Nowadays where the reigning motto seems to be "the more complicated, the better" and just about everything from sewing machines to cameras is controlled by electronics, a centra) heating system appears delightfully simple in construction. In tact, you may wonder what on earth there is to say about it. It consists of a boiler in which water is heated, a pump to transport the hot water to a number of radiators throughout the ...
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