power stabiliser
power stabiliser This power supply circuit consists of a three-pin voltage regulator IC in conjunction with a buffaecrt lt of the only transistor. This combination is a resu tors a re that the 78xx series of voltage regula capable of delivering a current of 1 A. In this design, when the output current exceeds about 200 mA, the buffer transitor takes over the task fromuupthteo voltage regulator 5 A to be drawn. The 78xx IC is available for a range of different voltages. By selecting the required regulator in the series, the circuit can be adapted for any voltage, provided of course the transformer output voltage is at least 4 V greater than the required stabilised output voltage. 1 A (or less) is required, the 840 C1000... 5000 Where a current of only transistor Ti and resistor R1 )‘ 2N2955 s IC thereby allowing currents NMI can be omitted. If desired, R1 can be retained in the circuit to safe- 51 Ox (1 5 A) the regulator C. It will then function as a guard so-called "bleed" resi...
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