low noise parallel resonant oscillator
low no resonant oscillator lusted for maximum outp It may not be very widely known that overtone oscillators can operate in the parallel resonant mode as well as the series resonant mode. The main advan- tage of parallel mode overtone resonance is greater stability. Besides this, there is no need to com- pensate for the parasitic capacity of the crystal (and its holder). The limit imposed on this mode of resonance is set by the parallel impedance. Below a certain value the loop gain will be insufficient to the device used and usually lies 15 mA. The value of resistor R1 should be adjusted to obtain the correct current. L1 is 6 turns of 1 mm enamelled copper wire on an Amidon core type 86 parallel d results, the designer/ In order to obtain optimum engineer should observe the following guidelines: The output voltage of the tank circuit should not 1. be less then the FET knee voltagetor to the crystal maintain oscillation. In modern receivers an/or con- verters it is mandatory that ...
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