caravan connector tester
of the most coupling a van lights One caravan connector tester the connecting pins in the socket operate as and when they should. Simply plug it in the car socket and watch the lamps. The circuit itself is so simple that it requires no description. However, a word or two about construction would not be amiss. Obvi- ously, for cars with a positive earth system (positive side of the battery connected to chassis) all the sLEDs and diodes will have to be turned around. The LEDs etc. can be mounted in a row on the test plug as shown in the illustration. Some readers may prefer to mount the components in a small box on the end of a fairly long lead so that the indicators, brake lights etc. can be tested from the driving position. The real enthusiast among our readers may even go as far as mounting the LEDs permanently on the instrument panel of the car (wired to the back of the socket!). Or even in the front window of the caravan so that the LEDs are visible in the rear-view mirror. It ...
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