dynamic RAM power supply
92 dynamic RAM power supply It is often a common wish to extend the memory range of a microprocessor system with the aid of - economically priced dynamic RAMS. On consider ation, the first point to arise is the different supply voltages required by this type of memory device. three secondary windings and then add the required extra rectifiers and voltage regulators etc. However, this could prove to be rather expensive. A much Generally speaking, dynamic RAMS require supply transformer. Different output voltages can now be obtained from the secondary windings. Obviously, • I approximate a squarewave andel voltages of +5 V , +12 V and —5 V. Unfortunately, hat all three supply rails can be these signals w•i s • will therefore require rectification, regulation an it is not very often found inside the computer concerned. ost mic processor systems operate on a single .Molt supply. How, therefore, can the missing supply voltages be obtained easily? The most obvious solution, of c...
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