level meter
level meter elektor january 1981 — 1 -27 clear indication at low levels level meter Disco music is not only fun to listen to, it can also be very pleasing to the eye. This article describes a level meter that incorporates a compressor circuit so that the meter will give a definite indication even at low signal levels. I n addition, the device can also be used for measuring the output of a power amplifier directly. P. de Bra 4 Signal level meters are certainly not new to Elektor — in fact there are one or two different types mentioned else- where in this issue. In some instances however, such meters can be more of an inconvenience than an advantage as they do tend to give a somewhat precise indication. In practice this usually means that the meter needle is con- tinually hovering around the end stop when low level input signals are moni- tored. If a LED level meter is used, only one or two LEDs out of a total of perhaps twenty will actually be lit. Before the meter will registe...
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