BASIC calendar
1-40 - elektor january 1981 BASIC calendar BASIC calendar A. Langenberg Readers who own an Elektor BASIC computer and who did not receive a calendar for Christmas have no need to worry about whether the shops will have any left after the festivities. This program can be used to compile a calendar for any year between 1582 and 2100. As the Elektor BASIC computer runs on a form of Tiny BASIC (NIBL = National Industrial BASIC Language) it should be fairly easy to modify the program to run on other machines if required. >LIST 1 REM *** CALENDAR PROGRAM *** 5 GOTO 800 10 K=-2:L=-1:M=0:PR "YEAR";:INPUT C 12 IF C<1582 PR"I CAN"T REMEMBER AS FAR AS",C:GOTO 10 15 IF C>2100 PR C,"IS TOO FAR INTO THE FUTURE!":007O 10 20 PR" 30 FOR I=1 TO 4 40 K=K+3:L=L+3:M=M+3 50 GOSUB 740 60 A=1:B=K 70 GOSUB 390 80 IF Y=1 O=A :GOTO 100 90 A=A+1:GOTO 70 100 A=30:D=32 110 GOSUB 390 120 IF D=A E=D:GOTO 140 130 A=A+1:GOTO 110 140 A=1:B=L 150 GOSUB 390 160 IF Y=1 P=A:GOTO 180 170 A=A+1:GOTO 150 180 A=29:D=32 1...
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