multichannel tab

3-02 — elektor march 1981 multichannel TM J. Meyer It is high time that Elektor devoted space and attention to TAP switches. Their simplicity (and silence) makes their use very practical in many appli- cations. It will be apparent from the heading that the TAP in question is a multi- channel set with single point touch contacts. In other words the switch will be operated by touching a fixed button or contact point with a finger. As mentioned before, there may be any again. This brings us to the reset circuit: When one of the contacts (say, contact no. 1) is touched and the corresponding- output has become "1", a voltage of R5 R5+ R42 x (Ub — 0.7), multichannel TAP the elegant touch The TAP (Touch Activated Programmer) switch is "in" again. Touch activated switches have been rather neglected lately, but, since the rise in popularity of the electronic clock, more and more manufacturers are beginning to include them on all sorts of devices. The particular switch in this article i...
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