3-18 — elektor march 1981 logic analyser Readers who work with digital circuits regularly, and especially with micro- processors, know that their oscilloscope . is absolutely essential if reliable infor- mation is to be obtained. However, complicated circuits require a lot more than the one or two channels that the average oscilloscope has to offer. A microprocessor with eight data and sixteen address lines would need a whole bank of oscilloscopes since fault tracing in this area would require that all the lines are monitored at the same time. After all, processors operate on bytes and each one consists of eight "ogle analYser"bits" worth of parallel information (disregarding the new 16 bit processors indispensable aid to digital fault finding for the moment). It would be fairly simple to design an eight channel trace "switcher" for the oscilloscope to provide eight lines on the screen simultaneously, but this would be rather pointless. Pointless because, with data continually c...
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