sound generator

3-22 — elektor march 1981 multiple sound effects generator multiple sound effects generakr a single IC full of sound surprises Yes, a single IC is all (well practically all) that is required to produce a cacophony of sound effects. The device is able to imitate virtually every sound under the sun, from the twittering of birds to machinegun fire, from the sound of a plane overhead to the high pitched squeal as it plummets to the ground out of control, from the screeching of brakes as a car runs out of road to the inevitable crash .. . All in all an amazing repertoire of everyday (?) sound effects. A great many letters have been received in response to the various sound effects generators that have been published in • Elektor over the years, which shows that such circuits are still very popular. However strange or frivolous the sound may be, people always seem to be able to find plenty of uses for it. Sound freaks will be delighted to know, there- fore, that Texas Instruments ha...
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