3-32 — elektor march 1981 MW receiver receiver a straightforward "straight-through" receiver Why should there be a need to construct your own medium waveband receiver? Surely it is far cheaper to buy one at the local supermarket? This may well indeed be true, but it is far more fun to actually build one yourself. After all, many of our readers belong to the younger generation and there is nothing quite like building your first radio - and getting it to work! — as many of our more experienced readers will testify. Amateur constructors often feel like magicians. It is quite amazing what can be accomplished with very few corn- ponents. Take the design for this receiver for instance; an RF amplifier and a couple of transistors to bring music to your ears! In any case, many readers felt that it was high time that a simple receiver circuit found its way into the EPS list once more. The object of the exercise is to end up with a neat, economical portable radio. One that fits comforta...
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