3-36 — elektor march 1981 MW receiver text display on the Junior Computer the correct places on the waveband. Further remarks. Firstly, something that probably does not need mentioning. As the ferrite rod coil is in fact an aerial, it would be unwise to mount the com- pleted receiver in a metal case! Secondly, the zener diode D1 must be either a 250 mW or a 400 mW type, as stated, as otherwise the input level for the voltage source T1 (3.9 V) will not be correct. This is because the current flowing through D1 is far lower than normal in order to keep the current consumption of the circuit to a mini- mum. Thirdly, as the output transis- tors do not require any quiescent current, the value of resistors R13 and R14 are fairly critical. If the stated values are not adhered to the chances are that the output transistors will start to draw current after all and, as there is no temperature compensation net- work, this could well have a detrimental effect on them. Using the values given...
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