traffic game

traffic game elektor march 1981 — 3-39 R. de Boer Present-day traffic is no joke. There are so many vehicles on the roads nowadays, that for safety"s sake children should know the rules and regulations practi- cally as soon as they can walk. Although technological progress has literally taken the weight off our feet, our reflexes are very much overbur- dened. However, it is impossible to turn back the clock, so we will just have to sharpen our reflexes. Which is exactly what this traffic game proposes to do. The player learns to react instinctively, automatically after having to face similar situations again and again. What"s more he/she can come to grips with unpleasant reality without leaving the safe confines of the living room. In short, an excellent method to teach children. The rules of the game Figure 1 shows how the game can be built. A potentiometer with a scale divi- sion in miles per hour constitutes the accelerator. A clock generator is con- trolled by the pot to pro...
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