logic analyser part 3
5-26 - elektor may 1981 With any project as complex as the logic analyser, the performance of the completed instrument depends to a very large extent on how it was put together. Poor constructional methods make even an exceptional design totally useless. This, the final article on the logic analyser, puts the theory into practice. Full constructional details together with testing and calibration methods are included. A chapter devoted to the use of the logic analyser brings this part of the project to asatisfying conclusion. The previous articles covered theoretical aspects of the logic anal in reasonable detail. This article intended to make the transition fr theory to reality as simple as possible must be emphasised that care should. taken at every stage to ensure a relia piece of test equipment. To simplify matters the circuit is sp· into five printed circuit boa 111 consisting of a main board , th modules and a display. (A sixth board meant for the p6wer supply.) Each ~ is co...
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