water level indicator
6-18 — elektor june 1981 water level indicator C. Notzel water level harator electronic "flower power" Did you know electronics had green fingers? With a little current and water, potted plants can be encouraged to grow and blossom. A row of LEDs are used to indicate the level of water in the pot, so that the gardener knows exactly when to water the plants. Anyway, there is no point in leading readers up the garden path, for, as everyone knows, there are plenty of positive aspects involved in electronics. Surrounded as people are by all sorts of electronic home comforts, taking them for granted is easier said than done. For one thing at Elektor we earn our bread and butter from chips! Interesting and so easy Electronics can be fun. What"s more, it does not have to be complicated. This water level meter circuit, for instance, is a perfect example of both. Using a couple of ordinary logic gates and a row of LEDs, an amazing amount of "flower power" can be generated. This is partic...
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