new synthesiser
11-14 — elektor november 1981 the new synthesiser For some time our design team have been exploring the possibilities of a successor to the Formant, the Elektor synthesiser. Following the trend in technology, it was feit that a new concept was needed rather than just a rehash of a basic idea. As regular readers know, the Curtis ICs have fust recently made their appearance on this side of the water. These have been specifically designed for syn- thesisers and are probably the farthest that any company has dared to venture in terms of musical "chips" so far. No sgke new programmable and portable The success of the Elektor Formant synthesiser led us to the opinion that there is a great interest among our readers in the field of electronic musical instruments, especially synthesisers. The availability of the new Curtis IC described in last month"s issue prompted us to embark on an entirely new design. Since the size of the Formant did not lend itself to portability it was decided th...
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