new synthesiser VCO module
the NEW Elektor synthesiser elektor december 1981 — 12-39 theNTWElektorthe complete VCO module of the Formant synthesiser. The remaining space is used for the control logic which is necessary for the "preset" and "poly- phonic" modes of operation. Therefore, it is certainly a simplification in the long run, since all the required components can be mounted on one printed circuit board, thereby saving both time and synthesiser The VCO module This is the third article in the series relating to the Curtis ICs and the new Elektor synthesiser. Whereas the previous articles were mainly concerned with the "theory" of the project, we now continue with the practical side of the story. The voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is essentially the heart of any synthesiser and the stability of the completed instrument depends to a large extent on the design and performance of this module. For this reason it is important that all the information contained in this article is followed very careful...
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