6-62 — elektor june 1982 •• • missing link market positive click shut action. The cover also allows the switching status of all four switches to be clearly seen at all times. This new gener- ation of dual in-line switches is designed to meet BS 9565 and exceeds MIL-S-83504. The total range will include 24 different switching capabilities. E85: 6502 housekeeper It is not clear how it happened, but it appears that our top secret software combination for the company bank account in Switzerland managed to get itself mixed with hex dump for the 6502 housekeeper last month. This data will of course be of no interest to our readers so we have printed the correct data here from 0800 to 0810. SFXDOMF: 0800,0FPF 012 3 4 5 6 7 8 9ABCDEF O8,30: D8 A9 FF AA E8 95 00 60 3D DO F9 A9 88 68 95 00 081d: Ed 47 DO F9 A9 00 85 dF 85 21 8D 00 04 85 60 AA O820. 95 48 68 60 3D DO F9 86 4C E6 61 A9 7F 85 81 85 0830: 83 AA 9A 58 00 EA EA 20 44 d9 C9 FF DO F9 A5 87 O840. 2d BC dB 24 87 50 F9 78 A9 0...
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