-â– â– These troubled times bring enormous problems to bear on the higher echelons of our business community. Now, the far-reaching effects of an incorrect decision can be more serious than ever before. Unfortunately many important decisions have to be made during moments of high pressure. You may well ask how our world of elec- tronics can alleviate this horrifying situation. It may surprise many readers to know that we have here, in this little circuit, the complete answer to 50% of all business problems of the N1 ... N4 = IC1 = 4093 heads or tails S1 executive decision maker world ! The executive decision maker is capable of taking command in matters where an all-important decision is to be made. At the press of a button the "silicon chip technology" will merci- lessly grind away at the pro"s and cons and provide a "yes" or "no" answer in fractions of a second. Think what this could do for commerce. There is of cource, just one little snag, it can only give the correct answer ...
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