Monoflop with a CMOS gate - single gate monostable
Monoflop with a CMOS gate - single gate monostable
A monoflop only has one stable state. When triggered by a pulse, the circuit "flips over" from the unstable back into the stable state. The "on-time" depends on the component values chosen for the RC network. As most constructors probably know, such a circuit can also be designed in quite a different way. A monoflop can quite easily be built using special ICs, but this circuit takes the idea one step further and is much more straightforward: it only needs a single gate! In principle, a gate can be induced, (by applying a pulse to the input), to leave its quiescent state and return to it after a certain period. For this, a differentiating, in other words, Ti„ < T T 1,5 (01 00 k) 100k) RC, network is required at the input, which at the same time provides the on-time for the gate. Figure 1 shows two possible con- figurations for a single gate mono- flop. They both have regenerative feedback. This considerably improves the steepness of the output pulse. For the circuit to operate pr...
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