Rear light monitor - an effective dashboard monitor
Even though car dashboards are beginning to resemble the control panels inside a cockpit, it is surprising how many LEDs are in fact totally superfluous. What is the point of an LED that indicates whether a switch is on or off, but fails to monitor the actual function of the equipment connected to it? Take the rear fog warning light LED, for instance; it will continue to burn irrespective of whether the light is working properly or not. The only way to check it is to jump out of the car and take a look! The idea behind this circuit is to provide a car monitor system that can be easily installed on the dashboard. an effective dashboard monitor As it only requires five components, it can be fitted behind the existing switch. This is what"s required. Break the ground connection (if included) of the switch LED and the connection between the switch and fog light (or any other that is required to be monitored). Now install the circuit as shown in figure 1. There should be plenty of room...
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