Guitar amplifier philosophy - 'tubes' and transistors
1-42 — elektor january 1982 guitar amplifier philosophy guiMr amplifier philosophy "tubes" and transistors Guitar sound systems rarely come into the limelight where electronics are concerned, but the musician with a lively interest in our hobby will wonder at what point in the technological progress line his equipment stands at. The answer is surprising since a large percentage of the amplifiers available do not live in todays technology at all, but very definitely yesterdays. How big a part does the progress of electronics play in todays stage sound equipment? It could be assumed that, with the current integrated circuit technology being what it is, stage equipment would be entirely solid state at a high level of sophistication. The obvious advantages of high performance, low operating temperatures and low weight, when related to valve amplifi- cation, would seem to make it a fore- gone conslusion that "solid state" has completely ousted the poor old valve. The real facts are, ...
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