Colour LCDs - bright and colourful from every point of view
1-58 — elektor january 1982 colour LCD! In May 1980 Elektor published an extensive article on liquid crystal dis- plays and the "twisted nematic" principle upon which most types are based. Figure 1 shows the basic construction of a "normal" black and white LCD. A layer of liquid crystal is situated between two glass plates. The layer con- sists of a crystalline molecular structure which changes under the influence of an electric field. Depending on the direction in which the molecules are organised, the liquid crystal layer becomes either transparent or reflec- tive. In combination with the externally adhesive polarisation filters, "capsizing" the molecules between the triggered electrodes causes a change in the trans- parency of the corresponding segments. As a result, the segments change from "light" to "dark" and vice versa. colour LCDs bright and colourful from every point of view Black and white LCDs afford a sharp enough contrast, but only from certain angles. Very often, ...
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