applikator elektor february 1982 — 2-33 low eost BASIC computer . .. using the Zilog Z8671 The Z-8 family of microcomputers provides capabilities usually only found in dedicated microprocessors. The heart of the Z-8 Basic microcomputer described here is the Z 8671. This chip is based on the Z-80, but it also contains 2K bytes of ROM (pre-programmed with a TINY BASIC interpreter), extensive I/O processing capabilities, 144 bytes of RAM, a full duplex UART and two counter/ timers with prescalers. Hardware The Zilog Z 8601 microcomputer introduces a new level of sophistication to single-chip architecture. Compared to earlier single-chip microcomputers, it offers faster execution; more efficient use of memory; more sophisti- cated interrupt, input/output and bit-manipu- lation capabilities; and easier system expan- sion. Furthermore, the device can be tailored to the needs of the user. The Z 8671 is an example: it contains 2K bytes of internal ROM, pre-programmed as a BASIC interpre...
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