CX and DNR - the latest in noise reduction
CX and DNR elektor february 1982 - 2-41 "Down with noise" could well be the slogan at an imaginary audio demo, for noise continues to be a major headache for manufacturers and con- sumers alike. Take records, for instance. Once digital recording technology and new record materials have come on the scene, just about every possibility using the old analogue system will have been exhausted, unless ... Unless we all go digital and buy the Compact Disc (Philips, Sony) or the Mini Disc (Tele- f un ken). Cassettes, however, do still have room for improvement if the ever-increasing array of "oxide buttons" on cassette decks is anything to go by. The noise staked on the "wrong horse"! Fortu- nately, manufacturers do know what they are doing, because digital records aren"t going to replace their analogue counterparts, at least not just yet. In any case, it is by no means certain that digital records have a better noise factor than analogue records. In fact, as the article "one-nil for aud...
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