5-42 — elektor may 1982 6502 housekeeper 6ôO2 A programmable time-clock With all the digital clocks and watches available today, it is surprising that time-switches are often such crude affairs. Given the relatively low cost of microprocessor chips, it seems "logical" to do the job properly! This article describes a sophisticated time-clock, based on a 6502 microprocessor. It can be used to control a multitude of household appliances, such as cookers, burglar alarms and house lighting. Incidentally, since it must keep track of the time to do its job, it can also provide a digital display of time, day and date. In other words it is also a digital clock .. . A 6502 microprocessor keeps track of the time and day of the week. It also calculates the date, even bearing leap years in mind, so that it will remain accurate until "February 29th 2100" .. . (That is not a leap year, and most microprocessor-based "perpetual calen- ders" go wrong at that point!). Our electronic housekeeper ...
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