Measuring AC waveforms - no problem when you know how
6-24 — elektor june 1982 measuring AC waveform Building the circuit Although the theoretical aspects behind the electronic starter require a detailed explanation, the construction is simple and straightforward. Constructors will be pleasantly surprised by the format of the circuit and printed circuit board. Only eight components are involved! Figure 4 shows the printed circuit board for the circuit. It is compact enough to fit inside the plastic (not aluminium!) case of a conventional starter, which saves having to modify the fluorescent tube holders in any way. Make sure that the connection wires of the thyristor are not in contact with the metal heat sink. If necessary, glue the thyristor to the board with a touch of epoxy resin. Resistor R4 and capacitor C2 must be mounted on the copper side of the printed circuit board. The heading photograph shows the finished product from two different angles. As mentioned earlier, we do not recommend the use of a metal starter The photogr...
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