Home telephone system - up to nine extensions without an exchange
9-46 — elektor september 1982 a home telephone system a home telephone system up to nine extensions without an exchange The telephone is a familiar and accepted part of our everyday life. For the vast majority of users it forms the basis of their livelihood, while for many others it is a necessary convenience. The telephone is so much a fact of life that not too many people, even many electronic engineers, fully understand how it works. It is generally assumed that since it has been around for so long, it can"t really be that complicated. Not true, the average telephone set is a hybrid concoction of electro-mechanical bits and pieces, all held together with 3BA nuts and bolts. After all, it did originate in the era of valves and intern- ally does present a somewhat dated appearance. The reasons for this are many and none of them have anything to do with developments in electronic technology. To be fair, the latest telephones have caught up with the times to a large extent. Home ...
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