Short wave band shifting for SSB receivers - from 14 MHz to 14 metres!
10-36 — elektor october 1982 short wave band shifting for SSB receivers Since we published the SSB receiver article in June of this year, it is appar- ent from all the letters received, that quite a few enthusiasts in general electronics have developed a taste for short wave listening. As the popularity grows, then the need to cover a larger number of bands increases. The SSB receiver ideally fits the bill, in as much as it is capable of covering the whole of the amateur bands, obviously together with the necessary converters. Basically each circuit acts as a wave band shifter, converting the aerial signal which is either above or below the 20 metre band, into the band which the SSB receiver can receive without modifi- cations. Each converter is connected to the aerial input of the receiver eliminating any need for changes to the actual receiver. This in effect means that the circuits described can be used with virtually any short wave receiver. is then mixed together with the f...
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