the Elektor XL range - an audio system that sounds good — and looks good!
the Elektor XL range elektor december 1982 — 12-29 the Elektor XL range an audio system that sounds good — and looks good! Over the years, Elektor has built up a reputation for producing reliable and well-designed circuits for home con- struction. In the audio field, we have produced preamps that vary from the cheap-and-n ... not-too-bad to the top quality all-singing-all-dancing variety; power amps from the milliwatt range up to "quality-power"; noise reduction systems, indicators, distortion measuring gear, a stylus pressure gauge even. Now we"ve got some more in the pipe-line: the XL range. In this case, we feel that a general intro- duction is called for. What is the XL range? What is special about it? In a nut- shell, it comprises a series of very high performance audio components that can be built at sensible prices. The quality should come as a pleasant surprise, even to the serious audiophile, and the final appearance needn"t be a disgrace to the living room. In other ...
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