A dozen and one sounds - an assorted box of sound effects
a dozen and one sounds elektor december 1982 — 12-59 a dozen and one sounds ... an assorted box of sound effects The circuit will be of great interest to experimentors musicians and recording enthusiasts alike. A single chip with a few surrounding components realises a circuit which makes a respectable job of reproducing sounds like, rain, explosions, cars crashing and so on. Ideal for mixing new film sound tracks. nent is that it is available at a relatively low price. The IC The article is aimed at the practical aspects and not at the theory so we will stick to a brief survey of the most important features. The internal layout of the complex sound generator is given in figure 1. A closer look shows that there are three fundamental signals pro- duced. These are obtained from: the super low frequency oscillator (SLF), the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and the noise generator. The SLF provides two output signals: a square-wave processed by the mixer stage and a triangular w...
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